Day 2 of the SDOH & Place Project: Unleashing Creativity

The journey through the SDOH & PLACE Fellowship continues to unfold, with Day 2 marking another engaging and productive session. This time, our focus shifted towards Module 3, delving deep into the art of designing applications that resonate with end-users.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement as fellows immersed themselves in the world of design, exploring innovative approaches using human centered design principles. It was inspiring to witness the creative juices flowing as participants brainstormed ideas and exchanged insights.

Central to our discussion was the concept of user personas—a powerful tool for empathizing with the needs and preferences of target audiences. Fellows embraced this exercise wholeheartedly, crafting personas that vividly reflected the diverse communities they seek to serve. By putting themselves in the shoes of end-users, participants gained invaluable perspective, laying the groundwork for the development of truly impactful solutions.

A highlight of the day was the interactive exercise where fellows analyzed existing websites, evaluating not only their utility but also their accessibility. This hands-on approach provided valuable insights into best practices and pitfalls to avoid when designing applications for diverse user groups.

As we look ahead, our focus turns to the crucial task of data wrangling. Armed with newfound insights and a passion for creating positive change, fellows are poised to tackle this next challenge head-on.

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The SDOH & Place Project's mission is to unravel the application design process essential for developing web applications centered on neighborhood health.
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